Thursday, January 15, 2009

Snow, snow and more snow...

Like everyone else, we found ourselves almost snowed in a couple of weeks ago. It was kind of fun, but a ton of work...for Austin at least, ha! Poor Austin had to shovel snow like five times a day for 4 or 5 days in a row. I got to just admire the beautiful stuff from the window. Now he knows how it feels. I got stuck doing it last year since he was out of town. I get the feeling we'll have a snow blower next year. : ) hee hee.

Look at that wall of snow he shoveled! Keep in mind he is 6'1". What a man!! Thanks honey.

This next picture is of our neighbors roof top. It is flat so it just accumulated all the snow. It's hard to tell without any perspective, but that's like a foot and a half and the snow was still falling strong!

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