Saturday, November 22, 2008

A "little" Girls Night Out

There is this cute family down the street from me with 5 adorable little girls. A couple nights ago, their mom (who is a really good friend of mine) and I had this fun girls night out with another of our friends and her daughter. They are so dang cute and I had sooooo much fun!!! I can't wait to have a little girl of my own.

We ate pizza, salad and dessert, painted our fingers and toes, and had a lot of fun being silly. Their mom told me that her 5 year old, Summer, told her that I was a "hot number". LOL!! Oh my gosh, how could I resist that!? I love 'em.

1 comment:

Ginn Family said...

You are so cute and nice to spend time with them. They are adorable, and obviously love you tons, you hot number!!