Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Last Hooraw

We went boating for the last time this season a couple days ago, and not a second too soon, because it's been cold and rainy all weekend. We are going to winterize the boat this week and put it in storage : ( sad. We decided to go one last time and it was perfect... The water was glass, we were the only ones on the lake and Austin and I took as many turns as we wanted. Our friends Cam and Michelle joined us later in the day and it turned out to be beautiful. I forgot to bring my camera so here are a few highlights from this summer...

Our friend Ian doing a flip...look how high he is!!!

Cam attempting a flip at Starvation

Woo woo, look at those muscles!!!

Here's Austin on our first boat trip...I wish we had the camera on the last one, he's jumping the wake now...maybe next year he'll be looking a little more like Ian. : )

Nobody can hold a candle to our friend Ian...he's practically a pro! And yes, he landed that.

Me, looking mighty comfortable out there!

This is a good close up of Austin


Robin D said...

That looks like so much fun! If we lived out there you bet we'd take you up on some free boat rides! :)
Now see if you moved down south it would still be warm enough to go boating...just an idea!

Robyn said...

Hey women, Im so glad you found my blog, I wondered if you had one! Im gonna add you as one of my blogging buddies and we can keep in touch!

Sarahp said...

you guys rock. that's totally gonna be us someday. I'm glad I was checking Robyn's blog and found yours since I forgot the address (of course.) I'm so sorry that you are going through all this trouble to have a baby. Good luck and I'll be praying for you.