Sunday, October 25, 2009

*Fertility Update*

For the last 2 and a half years that I've been trying to get pregnant people have been telling me to "just relax" "don't think about it so much" "you're too stressed out and over thinking it". At first it was just really nice thoughts and advice but after a while of trying and not succeeding it started to become VERY irritating. Then it went beyond irritating to...If I hear one more person tell me to "just relax" I might rip their head off...but there is always one more person. As you can see by my previous post I had a very relaxing, kick back summer. Austin and I decided at the beginning of summer that we were going to take the pressure off ourselves and have a good time. I decided to heed the advice of so many knowledgeable (is that how you spell it) people and "not think about it". The result: after 5 carefree months (and no crying every time someone announced they were pregnant) no pregnancy, hmmmmmm. Maybe there is a little more going on in my body than everyday stressors.
After I let about 7 months go by from my surgery I contacted my OB/GYN. She told me there was nothing more they could do for me and referred me to the U of U for consultation on more invasive and aggressive options. For some reason I dragged my feet around about it for a couple of weeks just wishing with all my heart that I would magically get pregnant and not have to go through this part. I am not one of those people that can do this...I'm just not. But, after that time of the month came and went....again, I decided to just make the call and then...
I was visiting with a couple of friends one day and one of them asked me if I've ever considered seeing a homeopathic specialist. I said as a matter of fact I haven't but I'm certainly open to it. I was a vegetarian for 6 years a long time ago and I'm definitely open to the idea of natural healing. (Besides, at this point what did I have to lose?) We went to the guys seminar together with my sister-in-law. It was informative and interesting to say the least. He is an iridologist. For all of you who have no idea what that is, it's a person who specializes in the eye. They believe that inherent weaknesses and chronic conditions of the body manifest through your eyes. (There is that saying, "the eyes are the windows to the soul.") I've actually learned about this in school and know a few people personally who have been helped by iridologists and homeopathy. I'll just put this one fact out there...modern medicine does not believe in iridology or homeopathy. In fact they say they have proven it not to work and find it laughable...of course they do...they're not making any money if someone heals naturally. But once again I digress.
So I went to the seminar and had this guy take pictures of my eyes. Ten days later he e-mailed me the results and a very specific program of supplements and diet for me to do for the next 3 months. I am one month into it officially today and let me tell ya, it isn't easy. The diet is strict and I definitely cheat on it...come on, I NEED sugar once in a while, but from what I was eating 4 weeks ago to how I eat now, I've practically done a 180. I "thought" I ate pretty healthy before but I can't believe what I actually considered healthy. Like I said, it hasn't been easy. In fact, at times, it's been down right miserable. I used to drink a Dr. Pepper every morning since I wake up at 4:30 for work every day. I miss my Dr. Pepper. I'm also a sugar addict so even though I've pretty much given that up I allow myself cheats here and there. The hardest thing has been salt...which is somewhat surprising because I'm not a salt lover...but EVERYTHING has salt in it!!
Anyway, I won't bore you with anymore details about my diet. Just know that this is what I'm trying for the next six months. I have absolutely nothing to lose. If pregnancy doesn't occur then I'll be healthier and my body will be even more ready for in-vitro. I just wanted to let everyone know where I'm at. It continues to be a heart-breaking journey and I don't don't know what I would do without all of you. I love you very much and I can only get through my days because I know I have the love and support of so many friends and family.

1 comment:

The Nelson's said...

I sure hope things work out for you and you can get pregnant soon. I know how you feel about everyone saying to just relax. If only it were that easy. If you end up having to go the invitro route, Dr James Heiner is supposed to be a great one. You can find out more info on his website We saw him once when we first started out to have my husband tested. Luckily we didn't have to go the IVF route. (almost had to with our last). Not that the U won't do a good job, but pretty much everyone I know that has gone up there haven't had the best experience. I wish you the best and can totally sympathize with you.