Thursday, October 2, 2008

A fertility update...

A lot of people ask...and even more don't, probably because they don't want to pry. I usually don't mind when someone asks, because there isn't much to tell and I try my hardest to suppress emotion about the whole thing. There hasn't been much I can do but wait and be patient. But the whole process has been too much for me lately and I have to talk about it. I am so sad I feel disabled. I can't seem to force the emotion away from my body. My monthly friend came and it is more than I can bare this month. Usually I expect it and it's not hard to get over the little disappointment I feel each month. (I keep hoping for a miracle.) Something was different this month though...I just had a feeling this could be it. (Maybe it was the 5 pounds I gained and can't seem to get rid of : ). I am devastated. I think maybe I'm finally just starting to accept and come to terms with the fact that I can't get pregnant. I knew...the doctors told me and Austin...people have told me...offered their advice...but somehow I guess I must have been in denial this whole time still, even though I didn't think I was. Still hoping for a miracle. I am, in fact, going to have to get surgery and we are going to have to go through with this whole fertility thing. I'm nervous and scared...I'd be lying if I didn't say that. I know it will be alright and my faith and hope are the only things that see me through. I am so grateful for Austin and my family...especially my sisters. Again, what would I do without them? Anyway, I'll keep everyone posted on the blog...I hate having to repeat the story a million times. Love you all. Thanks for your support and friendship.


Dan & Casey Ritter said...

Love you Rachel

Amanda&Wade said...

You know I am always here! Oh you just made me cry... I will continue to pray for you. I know one day it will work out for you, I just know :) I love you more than you could even know, thanks for being an amazing sister and friend!

Robin D said...

Oh Rachel we're hoping and praying for you too! You will be the best mom! And Austin won't be that bad of a dad! :)
I know fertility can be a little nerve racking but it's worth a shot. My friend who tried for 5 yrs just had her twins 2 days ago and their beautiful...miracles do happen!
Love you!

Adrienne said...

It took Daniel and I 1 1/2 years and it never got easier. Everyone around me was getting pregnant while practically snapping their fingers! Some who wanted families and some that did not.... I remember once we did finally get pregnant someone said to me, "see when you stopped thinking/worrying about it, it happened!". I looked them right in the eye and said, "who said we ever stopped thinking/worrying about it?". That stopped them in their tracks... I wish there was something I could say or do to make you feel better. I know you have a strong faith and family, but if you need to talk, I'm here as well.

Love you!

Oh, and when people asked me all the time how the progress was going, it seemed like they were looking for more of an answer to why I wasn't pregnant, which was annoying.... I used to just finish the conversation by saying, "Well, they call it the miracle of life for a reason!"

Ginn Family said...

I'm so sorry, I love you so much.